
Processing Fuji Raw files in Capture One (12 or later)

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Processing Fuji Raw files in Capture One (12 or later)

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Processing Fuji Raw files in Capture One 12 (or later) is an eBook guide written to provide Fuji shooters with enough knowledge to get the best results when working with Fuji RAW files in Capture One. 

While processing Fuji RAW files in Capture One no longer requires a significantly different workflow to using RAW files from other cameras, there are still some idiosyncrasies with Fuji files and some things that require specific techniques. This guide outlines those, and also some of the other areas that will help when working with Fuji RAW files.

Who is this guide for:

This eBook is not designed as a complete manual replacement and it does not cover every single tool and function of Capture One. This guide assumes a basic knowledge of Capture One. You should know how to open the application and navigate around the interface. You don’t have to be an expert but you should know the absolute basics. It also only briefly talks about working with JPEGs in the software, and is primarily aimed at working with RAW files.

This is mostly for the PRO version, but the express version can use some of the techniques described within. In the guide techniques that only work in the Pro version is marked with an icon to differentiate them. Please read the table of contents below to get an idea of what is in this guide.

Who is this guide not suited for:

If you’re an absolute beginner in Capture One and have only briefly used the software this is not for you. If you are looking for a complete manual replacement for the software this will not be suitable for you.

NOTE: This guide does contain some previously published material, and some material adapted from blog posts.

What’s in this Capture One Fuji Guide

The guide is broken down into 4 Chapters:

Chapter 1: Introduction

This chapter introduces the guide and what will be featured. It also provides a description of the advantages of Capture One for Fuji Shooters.

Chapter 2: Setup & Tips

This chapter looks at quick set-up tips to make working with Capture One a little easier. It also looks at some common tasks that you should know for use in Capture One that will also help you use the tips and workflows discussed later in this eBook. Topics include:

  • Installing the Bonus Presets
  • Understanding the difference between Styles and Presets
  • Installing Presets
  • Improving the screen preview quality
  • Setting Preview Size
  • Using Recipe Proofing to create a Better Preview
  • Important Common Tasks
  • How to save and apply presets
  • How to Save and Apply Styles
  • Stack Styles (and presets)
  • Applying Styles & Presets on Import
  • Setting Defaults
  • Viewing Before and After
  • Raw & Jpeg Pairs in Capture One
  • Viewing at 1:1

Chapter 3: Working with Fuji Raw files

This chapter looks at the various settings and workflows for Capture One that are specific to working with Fuji files. Topics include:

  • Setting the Fuji Film Simulations
  • Lens Corrections
  • Chromatic Aberration and Purple Fringing
  • Pre-sharpening with Diffraction Correction
  • Matching shadow and highlight tone options
  • Matching Dynamic Range settings
  • Matching Grain

Chapter 4: Sharpening and Noise Reduction

This chapter looks at the importance of sharpening when processing RAW files, and explains the stages of sharpening. It also covers how Capture One’s sharpening and noise reduction tools work as well as offering suggestions on how best to set these parameters when working with Fuji files. Topics include:

  • Why you need to sharpen RAW files.
  • Why input sharpening is so important
  • How sharpening works in Capture One
  • Understanding the sharpening controls
  • Understanding the noise reduction tools.
  • Recommendation for Settings

Conclusion and Appendix

The conclusion wraps up the guide and offers a place to find more information. The appendix offers a breakdown of the included presets.

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eBook in PDF format with Companion Capture One Preset Files

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